
How To Select Multiple Files On A Mac

How To Select Multiple Files On A Mac

To select multiple files on a Mac, Click on the first file you want to select, then hold down the “Command” key and click on additional files to select them. Hold down the “Command” key and click on each file you want to select.

Now that you know how to select multiple files at once, you may want to take a look at how to copy and paste files on a Mac.

Your Mac provides a few handy ways to choose the various files and folders that you would like to work with. To select all files within a folder, you can use a menu-bar option on your Mac, or a keyboard shortcut. To quickly select all files at a given folder location, you will have to use the Command+A keyboard shortcut.

You can choose adjacent, and non-adjacent files, first and last files, as well as all files within a given disk location. The Finder will select all files between the first and the last file (including both first and last files).

To select more than one file in Windows 10 from one folder, use the Shift key, and choose the first and last files, which are located on the ends of the whole range that you wish to select. If you are looking to select several files, organized from top to bottom, it is easy to grab the desired file by clicking on the first, and holding shift while clicking the last. If you have files displayed in icon view, choose the first file, then hold the Shift key.

Press Spacebar to call up Quick Look, and then cycle through the previews for the selected files using the arrow keys. Once the files are selected, you can Control-click on them to bring up a menu of options, or Press the Spacebar to invoke Quick Look. Once you have selected files, you can drag and drop them using the mouse, press Command+Delete to remove a file, or Right-click on them to get additional options.

Once selected, you can now drag each file to another location, delete them, or perform any other tasks that you would perform on an individual file. To select a particular number of files, you can hold down the Command key, and then click each file that you want to select, regardless of their order within the particular folder.

To select multiple files that are not next to one another in Finder window, press and hold the Command key on your keyboard, and click on each file individually. You can also swipe across the Finder window as you select, which helps you locate the files you are looking for. You can add or remove files from the selection by clicking them, holding down the Command key, in case you choose or miss some files accidentally.

Watch this video to know about selecting multiple files on MacOS

You can also use this same method to remove any files that may have been added by mistake to the selection. If you accidentally selected some individual files, you can also use the command+click method to deselect them. The command key is as important as the command button, but, in this case, allows selecting and deleting files one by one.

Way 1Way 2
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Now that you know how to select more than one thing with your Macs keyboard, it is important that you remember to use it wisely. If you are a Mac beginner, chances are that you are simply trying out a bad key combo, since you are used to the windows combinations for selecting multiple files.

Next, hit Command + A on the keyboard, and all of your selected files are displayed right away, whether they are five hundred files or only five. With the simple click-and-drag of the mouse, all of your files will be selected, but first, be sure that they are all bunched together. If your files are all grouped together in one folder, but there are other files surrounding and not in-between, you may want to give this technique a shot.

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We are not going to have time or the luxury to organize all of our files into individual folders at all times, which means that we are not going to always have access to a select all command. Select will bundle up all of the different types of files within the folder, making it easier to select all images at once. Note that if photos are mixed with other types of files, the methods required to select all will be limited to using Click & Drag, or using Command Key.

To use this method, just click and drag the mouse over to make a blue selection box on top of the files you wish to select. Click on the left or right side of a file name, press and hold your trackpad or mouse button, and drag the mouse to over the files you want to select. If you would rather view the files in the List, Columns, or Cover Flow views, make sure to click close to the first file, and continue holding down on the button as you drag all of the files you want to add to the selection.

In Finder, navigate to your files location, then choose either List, Columns, or Gallery views from the View icon. Let us say that the files you wish to choose are not neighboring, but are located in separate rows, or are scattered throughout your Finder folders.

Keep in mind that while we used the term file in the following sections, you can use these instructions to select pretty much everything inside of your folder, including apps and subfolders. Mac users may have various files stored on their devices, including photos, documents, music, programs, etc. If you wish to perform any given action with those files, that is, copying them or moving them, you must make the selection first.

If the reason why you want to choose many files at once is because you have to delete them, there is a simple way of doing that. If you are looking to grab all of your files quickly from the desktop or finder, the best way is simply by hitting Cmd+A.

You can still arrange your files in order when you want: Just click your desktop, select View > Clean Up By, and then select how you want the files to be ordered.

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You have to hold the Option key down to bring up a choice that says Move items here, in order to actually cut and paste (move) files. To trim the contiguous filegroup, click on any highlighted items, holding the Shift key, to crop your selection appropriately. Click on the first file you wish to select, then hold down the Command key and select other files. You can also un-select more than one file by holding down each entry with Command.

How do I select multiple files on a Mac?

Using the keyboard commands Command+A to choose all things in the current directory or Command+Click to pick multiple specific files or folders, you may select numerous files on a Mac. A variety of things may also be selected by holding down the Shift key while clicking and dragging. Finally, you may use the Finder to pick all objects with a certain extension by hitting Command+F and using the “Kind” search option.

How do I move multiple files on a Mac?

On a Mac, you may use Command+C to copy several files to the specified location, followed by Command+V to paste the files. You may also drag the chosen files and drop them into the desired folder. Using the CMD+E keyboard shortcut, you may transfer the chosen files to an external drive without first opening the disc in Finder.

Why can’t I select more than one file?

If you’ve customized your Folder views in File Explorer, you might not be able to pick numerous files; all you need to do is reset it and return to the default view settings. Create a system restore point before resetting Folder views. 

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